How to reinstall your site

"Re-installation" here means not only using profile and installations site from scratch but this means that you may use the reinstall.yml playbook as a tool for obtaining dev or stage or even production environment locally.

Keep in mind that this script used by Jenkins server for getting Pull Request builds. By overriding variables, that you can find within current playbook you can run it with different conditions. These conditions can pre configure your drupal based software - been installed from scratch by using profile - pre configure your drupal site by using extra provided database dump via url

So you should think about this script as universal tool, or may be better wording = application that can do a lot of things to get your drupal based software pre configured from scratch.

Possible configurations

Pretty standard way of running this playbook it to try defaults.


ansible-playbook reinstall.yml

creates drupal installation from scratch by using pp preinstalled drupal's profile been shipped within CIBOX suite.

What are defaults here?

  • installation_profile_name: pp This variable talk the meaning itself - it can be overridden by
ansible-playbook reinstall.yml --extra-vars="installation_profile_name=minimal"

which helps you to get reinstalled drupal by using minimal drupal's standard profile. Every variable, shipped with CIBOX suite can be overridden by the way above, just pass them divided by whitespaces one after each other in a row within --extra-vars command line key.

Widely used variables

There are a lot of variables within CIBOX suite that can be overridden by Jenkins shell scripts or by users due to requirements of the projects. But here is a list of predefined variables that changed or overridden mostly every new project up. Keep in mind we are talking about reinstall.yml playbook only.

  • mysql_db: - This variable stores name of database, been used in a project for drupal site. This variable can be changed only when you need to enpower your Jenkins instance with more than one PR/DEMO/STAGE builders. You'll need this if the project contains 2,3 or even more sites and you need to split sites for been used unique databases for avoiding conflicts.

  • php_env_vars: - should be used when you need pass to your server's environment variable for marking your environment as development. Useful for limiting large imports or background processes for speedup development and builds.

  • site_url: - variable for passing to drush commands or any other url dependant commands.

  • pp_environment: - This is very useful and important variable that makes everything complicated. There are states: default, demo, staging and production for this variable that used for splitting reinstall.yml to be used as conditional single playbook for ability to get different development environments.

  • workflow_type: - currently CIBOX suite enpowered with two types of possible workflows - profile and sql based.

Profile based workflow will do reinstall drupal site from scratch using predefined profile from installation_profile_name variable.

Sql based workflow will prepare the site from database dump, that is obtained during process from source_database variable. There is a make_backup boolean variable for setting ability to create backups alongside processing playbook.

  • backup_user, backup_pass and source_database: - these variables should be used on Jenkins server for pointing out to right place where sql dump archive stored by Jenkins by cron or any other background app. Keep in mind that backup should be accessible for webserver via url, injected by source_databasevariable.

  • ci_server_username: - name of the user that executes playbooks on CI server. In most cases should be jenkins.

  • rebuild_registry: - variable to display whether Drupal registry should be rebuilt. By default this variable is false. If any module has been moved to new directory, this variable should be set to true. After release to production/staging this variable should be set back to false.

  • local_backup_environment: - variable to specify source/primary CI server environment for backups. Also set make_backup to true to create backup from this environment during reinstall.

  • origin_site_url: - URL of the site that provides all assets(images, files and etc.) for installations where stage_file_proxy_origin module is enabled.

Configuration per environment

CIbox provides flexible configuration per environment. This means that you are able configure specific settings, drush commands and modules that should be added/executed on your environments.

  • global_env.yml - global configuration that will be used widely on all environments.
  • default_env.yml - cofiguration for default environment (PR builds and vagrant instances).
  • demo_env.yml - cofiguration for demo environment.
  • staging_env.yml - cofiguration for staging environment.
  • production_env.tml - cofiguration for production environment.

Environment configuration example

  # Settings that will be added to settings.php before installation(works only for "SQL workflow").
    - { name: '$conf["error_level"]', status: true, value: '2' }
    - { name: '$conf["cache"]', status: true, value: '0' }
    - { name: '$conf["block_cache"]', status: true, value: '0' }
    - { name: '$conf["preprocess_css"]', status: true, value: '0' }
    - { name: '$conf["preprocess_js"]', status: true, value: '0' }

  # Modules that will be enabled after installation.
    - { name: 'dblog', status: true }
    - { name: 'stage_file_proxy', status: true }
    - { name: 'devel', status: true }
    - { name: 'views_ui', status: true }
    - { name: 'diff', status: true }

  # Drush commands that will be executed after installation.
    # Update admin username and password.
    - { name: 'sqlq', status: true, arguments: "\"UPDATE users SET name='{{ drupal_user }}' WHERE uid=1\"" }
    - { name: 'user-password', status: true, arguments: "{{ drupal_user }} --password={{ drupal_pass }}" }

  # Settings that will be added to settings.php after installation.
    - { name: '$conf["stage_file_proxy_origin"]', status: true, value: "{{ origin_site_url }}" }

Configuration status

Each configuration has status attribute. This attribute displays whether configuration is enabled or disabled.

Enabled configuration:

- { name: '$conf["error_level"]', status: true, value: '2' }

Disabled configuration:

- { name: '$conf["error_level"]', status: false, value: '2' }

Switching from profile to sql flow

Typically every new project, developed from scratch starts from Drupal profile creation. This means teams should use workflow_type: profile variable state for reinstalling a site by using profile, predefined in installation_profile_name variable. But every project has a phase, where content managers start adding content and reinstall from profile becomes non convenient for developers. Thats why there is sql flow predefined within reinstall.yml playbook. For switching to sql flow type, there are steps to be done for making it working. - change to workflow_type: sql - create regular SQL db dump from staging or production environment, depending of the flow complexity. There is a BACKUP_PROD_DB job shipped by CIBOX suite for boilerplate example how to approach db dump. The idea behind this is to get dumps periodically (daily, hourly), depending of project requirements and to put it to webserver folder for ability to download from any environment and to use for DEV, PR, STAGE or eny other environments. - Depending on flow complexity you might want to have more than one DB dumpers - one for preparing dev environment by using staging database, second one for preparing staging environment by using production database. For approaching this you should add secondary DB DUMP job with appropriate configs and extend reinstall.yml for using respective dumps for different pp_environment states.

Best Practices and rules.

  1. Every developer should extend, change this document when variables above changed, renamed, appended or removed for some reason.
  2. Every reviewer should check that point 1 was done during PR to CIBOX repo.

Please, do not add any features without adding comments to reinstall.yml and this documentation.