Actual for CIBox <= 1.0.4

When Ansible 2 has been released, some of Vagrant machines may have errors.

==> default:   vars:
==> default:     php_packages:
==> default:     ^ here
==> default: Failed installing /vagrant/puphpet/ansible/php.yml

Here's list of commands how you can fix it:

  1. Find Vagrant folder in your project. It may have following names:
  2. puphpet (for old boxes)
  3. provisioning (for new boxes)

  4. Go into vagrant folder in CLI

    bash cd provisioning or cd puphpet

  5. Download patch with fix.

    bash wget

  6. Apply patch bash patch -p6 < 7b57e39d8bf7786f1bdf078220612fe18375d508.patch

  7. Destroy you vagrant and run provisioning bash vagrant destroy vagrant up